Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Interesting Chinese Phrases That involves Blind Cat and Ants

瞎貓撞到死老鼠 (T)
瞎猫撞到死老鼠 (S)
[Xiā māo zhuàng dào sǐ lǎoshǔ]

A blind cat runs into a dead rat. What do you think this phrase means in Chinese? Is this good or bad? Cats like to show that they can catch a rat!

The phrase means lucky. Look! I'm blind but I can still contribute and catch a rat! I'm told a similar phrase in English is "even a blind squirrel can find an acorn one in a while."

[Rè guō shàng de mǎyǐ]

Ants on a hot pan. Strange to picture this, but can you figure out the meaning. If you were an ant on a hot pan, what is your feeling? I'm going to die here! Yes! How does that make you feel? Probably not so good. You will probably be running in all directions trying to figure out a way to escape! This phrase means anxious, nervous, and running in all directions.

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